Don't miss these incredible opportunities to connect, serve, and grow in community!
CONNECT: Kids Family Game Night
Calling our GC Kids Church families! Join us for a night of building relationships over games and fun on Friday, September 20 from 6:30-8pm in the Life Center! This is for all families with kids from Infants through 5th grade. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. Sign up in the lobby.
LADIES: Bible Study
Calling ALL Ladies! September 17 begins our Fall Ladies Bible Study: Believing Jesus. Please join us Tuesdays at 7pm in the sanctuary as we discover what it means to actually believe what He said - and shape our lives around that truth. How does this affect our choices we make, the way we see the world and the way we conduct ourselves with other Christians. Come on and bring someone along!
MEN: Bible Study
The upcoming Men's Bible Study is set for Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm in the Life Center. Don't miss this next amazing video series called "What Happens Next" by Max Lucado. Invite a friend!